After you update the location, the price may be updated as well. If you are certain about changing the location, please check the prices of the items in your cart or your unpaid orders after updating.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can the shipping address be changed?

The shipping address cannot be modified once the order is placed successfully. However, customers can contact Moorol/HillTroll Customer Support to cancel the order if it's under status awaiting fulfillment, then place the order with the correct address again.

If a customer chooses standard shipment, how long will it take?

Standard delivery usually takes 10-45 days from the receipt of the order, and delivery times may vary by different countries. If you want to receive the package faster, please contact in advance.

We have stock of some models at our warehouse in the US, Canada, UK, Germany, and Australia. Delivery times for these items will be shorter.

Can the order be canceled?

If the order is under status awaiting fulfillment, please contact sunwayfoto customer support at to cancel. If the order is shipped, the order cannot be canceled.

Can the order be modified?

The order cannot be modified once it's placed successfully. However, you can contact HillTroll customer support at to cancel the order if it's under status awaiting fulfillment, then place the order with the correct details again.

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